Titolo del progetto: DCBox – Digital Curator Training & Tool Box
Codice progetto: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000032253
The main goal of DCbox is to create a new generation of European professionals working in the cultural heritage sector, equipped with a recognised, cross-cutting and high-level digital skillset.
The Digital Curator is an emerging professional profile: its relevance has been emphasised by the CoVid-19 pandemic and the consequent need to rely on digital, smart and connected museums. Nevertheless, up to date there’s no single, unanimously agreed reference framework as well as a reference curriculum to empower learners with skills, competences and expertise a DC should provide, that is a synthesis of technical knowhow and humanistic background.
It is for this reason that 6 different partners (4 Universities, 1 research centre, 1 academic network, and 1 IT private enterprise) from 5 different EU Mediterranean countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Serbia and Cyprus) have decided to join their forces and create the project.
By providing European teachers and students with a Digital Curation Toolkit, an innovative digital and robust learning method, particularly focused on
humanities and design
disciplines and work-based learning activities for Higher Education Institutions (HEI), the project aims at
- supporting recognized skills for a new generation of professionals in creative and culture sectors
- testing effective digital practices in the digital curation post-pandemic scenario.
Addressing digital transformation through development of
- Digital readiness
- Resilience
- Capacity
- Culture and creativity
- Suitable knowledge
- Responsibility
Our Work
The DCbox project intends to overcome difficulties encountered during the first phase of remote learning activities caused by lock-down and build a relevant and upto-date training curriculum for digital curators providing a new toolbox for this new European professionals.
In particular, the lack of university training activities oriented to the “learning by doing” model in virtual classes, which is a gap between the theoretical approach offered to the student and the essential practical experience to fix concepts.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.